Thursday, June 28, 2007What is a meme? Here's the definition:
MEME - Noun. An idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture.
Let's start with this ABC about me which somebody tagged me to do a long time ago. I had fun answering this.
A - Age: 28 and happy about it. Really.
B - Band Listening To Right Now: None.
C - Career: Senior Business and Services Development Supervisor of THE best telco here in the Philippines. Be starting work on Monday.
D - Drink or Smoke: I don't do either. In fact, I haven't had any alcohol (nor caffeine or soda) in my bod since my surgery last March. Hooray!
E - Easiest Friends To Talk To: My Forces Friends (Tin, Aileen, Charo, Ivy, Mitz) and Olen
F - Favorite song at the moment: Rent's Seasons of Love and Regina Spektor's Samson
G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: Either
H - Have a Boyfriend: None
I - In love: Not anymore. Whew!
J - Junk Food You Like: Choco Pie, Lays Sour N' Cream
K - Kids: In the future.
L - Longest Ride Ever: Road trip from Naga, Camarines Sur to Laguna - 9 hours
M - My Favorite Sports: Swimming!
N - Names For Your Future Kids: Sonja, Beatriz, Vittoria, Miguel
O - One Wish You Have Now: Either to finally make it or to finally forget it.
P - Phobias: It's so weird and I don't want to mention it here.
Q - Favorite Quote: "It's not how many people you've reached, it's how many RIGHT people you've reached."
R - Reasons To Smile: My niece's Gabbie's funny antics, my spanking new career, my friends, my on-line friends and bullboard buddies, blog comments, Internet surfing, Grey's Anatomy, Big Brother, reminiscing yesterdays, perfect pictures at my camera, nice SMS from friends, rainy cool nights
S - Sleeping Hours: After 12:00 am but I am trying to adjust it to 11:00 pm.
T - Time You Woke Up: 7:45 am (I am still in vacation!)
U - Unknown Fact About You: I'm super smart you'll be so surprised.
V - Vegetable You Hate: Beansprouts!!!
W - Worst Habit: I am lazy when I want to be lazy.
X - X-rays You've Had: Chest, Right Hand, Feet
Y - Yummy Foods: Japanese dishes and the evil evil RICE
Z - Zodiac Sign: Leo
Got this one from Ida:
Instructions: Each player starts with 7 random habits/facts about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!
1. I have a very weird personality. I believe that I am very extrovert, loud, and can talk non-stop for hours BUT I also enjoy being alone and just staying at home. Weird, huh? Or is this a sign of ageing? Beats me.
2. I enjoy driving. After years of procrastinating, I finally learned how to drive in May 2005. In my very short driving history I'm very proud to say that I've already driven in two major road trips. One was from Dagupan to Las Pinas (4-hour night drive; April 2006) and the other was a day trip from Laguna to Gumaca, Quezon and back to Laguna again (total of 8-hour day/night drive; May 2007). My fastest driving speed is 140kph at The Skyway on my way to Makati.
3. Here are my essential gadgets (in order of appearance in my life): a black kick-ass desktop PC (okay, it's not as kick-ass as before but it's still all-wireless), a black Altec Lansing speakers with subs, a Canon IXUS 60, a 30GB iPod Video, an Altec Lansing inMotion mobile speakers and a Nokia N70. If I'll be asked (or cursed) to part ways with one of them then I'll choose to give-up my iPod. Know why? Well, I actually don't know why.
4. I was already confined twice at Asian Hospital and Medical Center this year. The first one was for a routine endoscopy and I was just being conceited about it. I could've opted for out-patient procedure but I decided to book myself at the hospital to lessen the stress of driving to and from and all of that. The second was for Open Cholecystectomy (a.k.a. gall bladder removal due to gall stones) which was actually kinda scary.
5. I don't use text language when sending SMS. I don't even know how to read text language. It confuses me.
6. I am very OC when it comes to using punctuation marks and small/upper cases/capital in writing. i hate seeing small letters in beginning letters in sentences like THIS sentence. I also hate seeing "I" in small letters.
7. What is Abbie without some mush? I am such a great believer of love and all the neat things it can do to people. I was fortunate that love found me in the least expected place and moment in my life. Unexpectedly love also went away and broke me into pieces. Despite that I'm still a believer of love...I am just too damn scared to fall again once more.
MEME - Noun. An idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture.
Let's start with this ABC about me which somebody tagged me to do a long time ago. I had fun answering this.
B - Band Listening To Right Now: None.
C - Career: Senior Business and Services Development Supervisor of THE best telco here in the Philippines. Be starting work on Monday.
D - Drink or Smoke: I don't do either. In fact, I haven't had any alcohol (nor caffeine or soda) in my bod since my surgery last March. Hooray!
E - Easiest Friends To Talk To: My Forces Friends (Tin, Aileen, Charo, Ivy, Mitz) and Olen
F - Favorite song at the moment: Rent's Seasons of Love and Regina Spektor's Samson
G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: Either
H - Have a Boyfriend: None
I - In love: Not anymore. Whew!
J - Junk Food You Like: Choco Pie, Lays Sour N' Cream
K - Kids: In the future.
L - Longest Ride Ever: Road trip from Naga, Camarines Sur to Laguna - 9 hours
M - My Favorite Sports: Swimming!
N - Names For Your Future Kids: Sonja, Beatriz, Vittoria, Miguel
O - One Wish You Have Now: Either to finally make it or to finally forget it.
P - Phobias: It's so weird and I don't want to mention it here.
Q - Favorite Quote: "It's not how many people you've reached, it's how many RIGHT people you've reached."
R - Reasons To Smile: My niece's Gabbie's funny antics, my spanking new career, my friends, my on-line friends and bullboard buddies, blog comments, Internet surfing, Grey's Anatomy, Big Brother, reminiscing yesterdays, perfect pictures at my camera, nice SMS from friends, rainy cool nights
S - Sleeping Hours: After 12:00 am but I am trying to adjust it to 11:00 pm.
T - Time You Woke Up: 7:45 am (I am still in vacation!)
U - Unknown Fact About You: I'm super smart you'll be so surprised.
V - Vegetable You Hate: Beansprouts!!!
W - Worst Habit: I am lazy when I want to be lazy.
X - X-rays You've Had: Chest, Right Hand, Feet
Y - Yummy Foods: Japanese dishes and the evil evil RICE
Z - Zodiac Sign: Leo
Got this one from Ida:
Instructions: Each player starts with 7 random habits/facts about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!
1. I have a very weird personality. I believe that I am very extrovert, loud, and can talk non-stop for hours BUT I also enjoy being alone and just staying at home. Weird, huh? Or is this a sign of ageing? Beats me.
2. I enjoy driving. After years of procrastinating, I finally learned how to drive in May 2005. In my very short driving history I'm very proud to say that I've already driven in two major road trips. One was from Dagupan to Las Pinas (4-hour night drive; April 2006) and the other was a day trip from Laguna to Gumaca, Quezon and back to Laguna again (total of 8-hour day/night drive; May 2007). My fastest driving speed is 140kph at The Skyway on my way to Makati.
3. Here are my essential gadgets (in order of appearance in my life): a black kick-ass desktop PC (okay, it's not as kick-ass as before but it's still all-wireless), a black Altec Lansing speakers with subs, a Canon IXUS 60, a 30GB iPod Video, an Altec Lansing inMotion mobile speakers and a Nokia N70. If I'll be asked (or cursed) to part ways with one of them then I'll choose to give-up my iPod. Know why? Well, I actually don't know why.
4. I was already confined twice at Asian Hospital and Medical Center this year. The first one was for a routine endoscopy and I was just being conceited about it. I could've opted for out-patient procedure but I decided to book myself at the hospital to lessen the stress of driving to and from and all of that. The second was for Open Cholecystectomy (a.k.a. gall bladder removal due to gall stones) which was actually kinda scary.
5. I don't use text language when sending SMS. I don't even know how to read text language. It confuses me.
6. I am very OC when it comes to using punctuation marks and small/upper cases/capital in writing. i hate seeing small letters in beginning letters in sentences like THIS sentence. I also hate seeing "I" in small letters.
7. What is Abbie without some mush? I am such a great believer of love and all the neat things it can do to people. I was fortunate that love found me in the least expected place and moment in my life. Unexpectedly love also went away and broke me into pieces. Despite that I'm still a believer of love...I am just too damn scared to fall again once more.
Tag to Aileen, Tin, Charo, Mitzi & Darwin, Mindy, and Jing.
Thank you for your comment.