Saturday, April 16, 2016
We will be crowning our new Binibining Pilipinas 2016 Queens in less than 24 hours! I am very excited for this because my friends and I will be watching the Grand Coronation live at Smart Araneta Coliseum (yay!). I will try my best to tweet and spoil the results so please mute me on Twitter if you don't want spoilers. The telecast on ABS-CBN will probably be delayed by at least an hour.
Here are my final picks this year. I hope that I can get most of it right. I was also an armchair judge last year and I only got 10 out of the 15 semi-finalists but was right with the wins of Pia, Christy, and Ann. Rogelie Catacutan was the only 'dark horse' in last year's bout.
Top 15
I had an easy time predicting this year's queens but had a harder time in finalizing the line-up of the Top 15. There's a small group of frontrunners and consistent performers this year so it's easier to predict the winers than their courts. I ended with a top 15 with 3 alternates.
Row 1 - #3 Angela Fernando, #4 Kim Penchon, #7 Angelique De Leon
Row 2 - #11 Nicole Cordoves, #13 Joana Eden, #14 Paula Rich Bartolome

Row 1 - #Maria Lina Prongoso, #21 Jessica Gonzales, #22 Aprile Smith
Row 2 - #25 Anjelica Lopez, 26# Jennifer Hammond, #27 Dindi Pajares

Row 1 - #28 Nichole Manalo, #29 Maxine Medina, #31 Kyle Verzosa
Row 2 - #36 Maria Gigante, #37 Jehza Mae Huelar, #38 Anjelica Alita
My alternates this year are Maria Lina Prongoso, Jessica Gonzales, and Anjelica Lopez. They can be shoo-ins for the semi-final but they are not just there yet. BUT this can all change come Finals night.
The Queens
There are six (6) crowns and titles which will be awarded tomorrow: Universe, International, Supranational, Intercontinental, Globe, and Grand International. I have my final six and I am quite confident with my selection. I am not just too sure about the placements. I learned from a trusted source that the jury selection stops at Top 6 (or Top 7/8 if we count runners up) then the BPCI committee will select and give the crowns to the ladies based on their international pageant winnability and eligibility. Judges are still consulted with this but with strong recommendations from BPCI based on their pageant expertise. Yes - the top scorer will not necessarily get the Miss Universe Philippines plum.
Maxine Medina
Maxine is in it to win it! I believe that the Miss Universe Philippines 2016 crown is for her to lose. She is the whole package with a nice regal bearing. We probably won't win a back-to-back in Miss U but the whole Aces & Queen beauty camp will ensure that she will get a nice placement to follow-up Pia's success. I also think that the A&Q camp will still get the Miss Universe Philippines crown and title this year. The looming threats for Maxine for MUP are Kylie Verzosa and Nichole Manalo.
Maria Gigante
I love Maria and I am probably biased in putting her in the second best crown in the pageant. I know that there are more deserving girls than her but all pageant watchers know that beauty camps play a big role in the decision of the crowning the winners. Nichole Manalo with her sweet and nice demeanor probably deserved the International crown better than Maria but she is can no longer compete because of age limitations. Miss International is KF's turf and Maria is the next best candidate next to Nichole. I really hope that she will win this crown. Threats to this crown are Nicole Cordovez and Kylie Verzosa (still).
Kylie Verzosa
I was hoping that Kylie will be given one of the runners up positions last year so she can come back better and well-equipped this year. She didn't win but she did came back fiercer and with more experience. I honestly like her better last year than this year thus the non-top placement. Kylie and her whole slew of supporters really wanted the Miss Universe Philippine crown and she is really working hard for it. She is the most popular candidate this year and I am really excited to see her live and in action. She can be our Supranational bet but I will not be surprise if she will get the MUP or the International title.
Nichole Manalo
I was not a fan of Nichole when she joined in 2014 and was surprised that she even placed in the semis. The transformation of Nichole this year was very surprising and it made me realize how serious she is (and the whole Manalo family) on this pageant business. I knew from the get go that she will will surely win a crown and title this year. She is really good looking now and sexier compared to the last time. The International crown fits her perfectly but she is ineligible for it so I think she will get the Supranational or Intercontinental title. Though I will not be super surprised if she will win Miss Universe Philippines either.
Nicole Cordoves
Nicole started slowly but surely. She peaked at the right moment and at the right time. She was not in everyone's radar before but her fanstastic showing in the pre-pageant shows especially in the National Costume Show made people notice.
Dindi Pajares
Beautiful, confident, and really sexy are the attributes that Dindi got that can make her one of our queens. Like Nicole - Dindi was also one of the slow but steady candidates who peaked when it counted. She is not too popular from the start but she bloomed as the pageant progressed.
The top award is a toss between Maxine, Nichole, and Kylie. I think that one of the three will be Pia's successor for the Miss Universe Philippine title and crown. BUT a lot can still happen tomorrow. Plus - the all important Q&A will play a big role in the placements and the results. I did not give names for the runners-up but Paula Rich Bartolome, Aprile Smith, Angelique De Leon, or Anjelica Alita can pull a surprise and be dark horses of the competition.
Who are your bets? Do you agree with my choices? :)
Can't wait! So excited for tomorrow's Coronation Night! It will truly be a #MostBeautifulConnection
Can't wait! So excited for tomorrow's Coronation Night! It will truly be a #MostBeautifulConnection
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